How Social Media Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case

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Social Media And Personal Injury

In today’s world, social media can be an invaluable tool for staying connected and sharing news with friends. However, your online activity can have serious consequences if you’re involved in a personal injury case. Everything you post on any social media platform can be used in a court case. Insurance companies and defense attorneys will often search your social media accounts for evidence that may contradict your claims in court. Therefore, knowing how your social media posts could affect your legal rights and taking steps to protect yourself from any potential harm is crucial.

At Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C., our personal injury attorneys understand how tricky it can be to navigate the world of social media when you’re involved in a personal injury case. Our experienced team will help you protect your rights in court and ensure that your online activity does not end up working against you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your legal case.

Social Media Can Damage Your Personal Injury Case

In today’s digital world, anything you post online can be used against you. With the rise of social media use and online content, personal injury cases are no exception. Knowing how to protect yourself from potential harm is essential if you are involved in a personal injury case. Taking proactive steps and understanding the risks associated with using social media during this process can help ensure that your posts won’t end up working against you in court.

social media posting in a personal injury case

Never Talk About Your Case Online

One of the most essential steps to protect your rights during an open case is to avoid talking about it online. Do not post anything related to your accident, injuries, or legal case on social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. Even if you believe what you are sharing on your social media account will not be seen by the wrong people, remember that anything you post could be seen by insurance companies and attorneys who are looking for evidence to use against you.

Know the Types of Social Media Posts that Could Hurt Your Case

Posts about activities or statements about your health or any physical activity, and images or videos of you engaging in dangerous behavior are all potential red flags.

For example, let’s say you were involved in a car accident and sustained an injury to your neck. However, you then posted social media content that shows an old video of you engaging in physical activity.  The other party might not realize this was on old video and may try to allege that the injuries suffered in the car accident were not as serious as you alleged in your lawsuit. You also must be aware of others posting about you as well. For instance, your friend could post an old photo or video that could be misinterpreted.  Remember that insurance companies and defense attorneys often search through your social media account as part of their investigation. Always be aware of how your social media posts could affect your legal rights, and take steps to protect yourself from any potential harm.

Learn How To Protect Yourself On Social Media During a Personal Injury Claim

Social media is helpful in many aspects of life, but it also carries certain risks when you are involved in a personal injury claim. To protect yourself and your case, here are some tips for staying safe on social media during this time:

Refrain from Posting During Your Personal Injury Case

The best way to ensure that your posts cannot be used against you is not to create them in the first place.

Limit the amount of information you share

If you must post, limit the amount of information you share on social media. The less information an insurance company has access to, the better.

Review your privacy settings

Understand how privacy settings work on different social media platforms. Review your security settings to ensure that only those close to you can view any posts about your case. Ultimately, even if your accounts are private, they can still be used in a trial if the judge deems them relevant and necessary to prove your personal injury claims.

Scrutinize New Friend Requests

Do not accept friend requests from someone you do not know. If a request comes in on your account from an unknown source, assume it is someone associated with the opposing party trying to get information to damage your case.

Be Mindful of What You Post

Avoid sharing information online. 

Ask others to refrain from posting about you.

If you know other social media users who may post something about you, ask them politely to refrain from doing so.

Be aware of what is posted about you by others

Understand that insurance companies and attorneys often search through more social media profiles than just yours as part of their investigation. So, if your friends or family post something, someone else may find it. 

Contact an Experienced Attorney for Advice and Assistance

Social media can impact a case significantly. An experienced personal injury attorney can provide additional advice and guidance on protecting yourself and your case against potential risks associated with social media use.

By following these tips, you can protect yourself and your case. Contact Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C., to learn more about our legal services and how we can help you in your injury case.

Your Social Media Posts Can Be Ordered In Court

Sometimes, the defendant’s attorney may request that your social media accounts be ordered in court. Any posts you have made on social media can be used against you in legal proceedings and could decrease or damage the compensation you receive for your personal injury claim.  If you have posted something online – DO NOT REMOVE IT.  That could be considered the destruction of evidence, which could negatively impact your case. 

social media can damage a personal injury case

The Best Course of Action for Your Social Media Accounts  

During a personal injury case it is best to refrain from posting anything at all on social media altogether. Even if the posts seem harmless, they can be used against you by insurance companies and attorneys during their investigations and could potentially harm the outcome of your case.

Additionally, any social media posts that are made can be ordered in court, which means they will be reviewed by a judge which can be a serious invasion of your privacy. 

Work With an experienced Personal Injury attorney

If you have suffered a personal injury, contact an experienced attorney for advice and assistance. A personal injury lawyer can provide additional advice and guidance on how best to protect yourself and your case against potential risks associated with social media use. They can also help ensure that any posts on your accounts are not improperly used against you in legal proceedings and can provide further assistance in navigating the legal system surrounding personal injury cases.

Contact the personal injury attorneys at Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C., for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you in your injury case.

By working with a lawyer, following these tips, and remaining aware of the potential issues associated with social media, you can help ensure that your personal injury claim is successful and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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