Driving at Night

Truck Accidents: Driving at Night

Washington, DC Truck Accident Attorneys

Night driving can be difficult and dangerous for anyone. Driving at night poses some special risks for large commercial trucks and the vehicles nearby. The main problems associated with night driving and big rigs are fatigue and visibility – both the truck driver’s ability to see other vehicles and other drivers’ ability to see the truck. Together, these factors heighten the potential for deadly traffic accidents.

At Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, Siegel, P.C., Our Washington, DC truck accident lawyers believe that truck drivers and motors share a responsibility stay alert while driving at night. We also believe that careless and negligent drivers should be held accountable for the injuries and deaths caused by their poor driving.

If you suffered an injury or the loss of a loved one because a driver wasn’t paying attention at night, our team of lawyers can help you collect the damages that you need. Contact us today!

Night Driving & Fatigue

Hours of service regulations (HOS) govern how many hours a truck driver may be on the road in one stretch. They do not determine what time of day a trucker may be on the road. In fact, the nature of HOS can mean that drivers are forced to drive at night and on a very irregular schedule. Fatigue is a common problem for truck drivers and the most common contributing factor in trucking accidents.

Driving at night increases fatigue for many reasons:

  • Stress cause by poor visibility
  • Interference with normal sleeping patterns (circadian rhythm)
  • Lowered visual acuity


Driving at night lowers visibility, even in clear weather. Just a few factors that reduce visibility when driving at night include:

  • Area of vision reduced to headlight beams
  • More difficult to gauge the speed of other vehicles
  • Increased glare
  • Fatigue

Semi tractor-trailer trucks need significantly more stopping distance than passenger vehicles. They simply cannot make sudden stops. Since driving at night makes it very difficult to gauge the speed of other vehicles, truck drivers cannot always determine ahead of time that the vehicle they are approaching is traveling very slow or even stopped in the road.

Underride Accidents

Truck drivers are not the only ones who have difficulty seeing while driving. The visibility problem works both ways. Even when other drivers see the truck, they do not always see the entire trailer. This can lead to an underride accident; the most deadly type of truck vs. car collision.

This is why our personal injury attorneys are committed to helping clients through the Washington, DC area fight for the compensation they need and deserve after a serious truck accident.

Underride accidents can be prevented with adequate lighting and reflectors which make it possible to see the entire profile of the truck and help other drivers properly ascertain their distance. Partial lighting can be misleading, giving the illusion that the truck is farther away. Dirty lights and reflectors can be obscured from view, making the truck appear shorter in length than it really is, and causing drivers to hit the truck from the rear or change lanes, hitting the truck from the side.

Truck drivers are required to use extra caution at night and to inspect their trucks, including the safety equipment, before getting on the road to prevent truck accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a trucking accident in Washington, DC, please contact the truck accident attorneys at Chaikin Sherman Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. to speak with our Washington, DC truck accident lawyers. We have the knowledge and experience to help you when special circumstances, such as night driving, contributed to your accident.

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Truck Accidents

Amazon Delivery Accidents

Bucket Truck Accidents

Causes of Truck Accidents

— Bad Truck Signage

— CDL DUI Accidents

— Defective Truck Parts

 — Driving at Night

— Poor Weather Conditions

— Improperly Loaded Cargo

— Inexperienced Drivers

— Substance Abuse

— Texting & Driving

— Tire Blowouts

— Truck Driver Fatigue

— Truck Maintenance

Cement Truck Accidents

Cross Border Trucks

Garbage Truck Accidents

Jackknife Accidents

Lowboy Truck Accidents

Red Light Accident

Rollover Accidents

Semi-Truck Racing

Trucking Regulations

Tanker Truck Accidents

Underride Accidents

Truck Safety

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