Nationwide Insurance Accident Attorney Maryland

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Dealing with Nationwide Insurance Company Claims Denials

At some point, you might find yourself at odds with Nationwide Insurance over a car accident claim. No matter what kind of accident you are contending with, the process of dealing with insurance companies can be complex and strenuous. Enlisting the help of an experienced Maryland accident attorney can significantly ease this process, ensuring you get the fair treatment and compensation you deserve. 

Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. Can Help Fight For You

When handling Nationwide Insurance auto claims, rely on Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. Our skilled team of accident attorneys in Maryland understands insurance claims intricacies, challenging any unjust treatment. We commit our expertise and resources to uphold your rights, pursuing fair compensation. Seek professional help for car insurance claims. Contact us for a free consultation. Our friendly attorneys will evaluate your case, provide insights, and offer support. We are committed to exceptional legal assistance, standing by your side in your time of need.

insurance adjuster writing on a clipboard on top of a damaged car

Navigating the Nationwide Insurance Claims Process

The process of filing a Nationwide auto insurance claim involves several steps, which might seem overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with the aftermath of an accident. The initial step involves reporting the car accident, which you can do via Nationwide’s website, mobile app, or a direct call to their claim department. Following this, a Nationwide claims adjuster is assigned to investigate your claim, a process that may entail analyzing accident reports, medical records, and any other relevant evidence.

The insurance adjusters’ findings will determine whether your claim is accepted or denied. If Nationwide accepts your claim, they proceed to calculate the settlement based on various factors, such as the extent of property damage, medical costs, or lost wages, if applicable. However, if your claim is denied or you feel the settlement is not fair, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced car accident attorney.

Having legal counsel from a trusted firm like Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel, P.C. can drastically improve the outcome of your claim. They can assist you in negotiating a better settlement, counteracting any denials, and ensuring your rights are upheld throughout the claims process.

Nationwide Is On Your Side… Or Are They?

Despite Nationwide’s catchy slogan, “Nationwide is on your side,” the reality might not always align with this promise. Insurance companies like Nationwide are businesses, and like all businesses, their ultimate goal is to maintain profitability. Unfortunately, this can sometimes translate into tactics that aim to minimize payouts on claims. For instance, Nationwide might undervalue the extent of your property damage or injuries, offer a lowball settlement, or even deny your claim outright based on various reasons. They may also draw out the accident claims process in the hope that you’ll settle for less out of desperation or exhaustion. An insurance adjuster may also use your statement against you, manipulating it to reduce the settlement amount. 

It’s crucial to be aware of these tactics and not accept them at face value. Remember, the initial offer from an insurance company is just that – an initial offer. You have the right to challenge it if it doesn’t adequately cover your losses. This is where a firm like Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. can prove immensely helpful. Their experienced accident attorneys can counter these tactics, ensuring you are not shortchanged and that your rights are defended. They will work diligently to help you get the fair compensation that you deserve.

nationwide mutual insurance company adjuster taking a picture of a damaged van

Reasons for Claim Denials by Nationwide Insurance

Pre-Existing Conditions: Nationwide may assert that your injury preceded the accident, thereby refusing to cover its treatment.

Policy Exclusions: Your claim could be denied if Nationwide believes the incident falls under a policy exclusion. This could include situations not covered by your insurance policy.

Late Filing: If you file your claim after the timeframe specified in your policy, your insurance provider may deny it on the grounds of late filing.

Suspicion of Fraud: If Nationwide suspects any fraudulent activity associated with your claim, they may deny it. This could be due to inconsistencies in your accident report or suspicion of intentional damage.

Non-Disclosure or Misrepresentation: If the insurance company discovers that you provided false or incomplete information when buying your policy, they might deny your claim.

Unpaid Premiums: Unpaid insurance premiums can also lead to a claim denial, as you’re considered not covered during the period of non-payment.

Lack of Nationwide Coverage: If the accident type you’re claiming is not included in your policy, Nationwide may refuse to pay.

Insufficient Documentation: If you don’t adequately substantiate your claim with necessary documents such as medical records, accident reports, or receipts for repairs, your claim might be denied.

A denial from Nationwide is not the end of the road. You can contest their decision, especially with the help of experienced legal counsel. The law firm of Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. is well-prepared to represent clients facing claim denial situations, working relentlessly until a fair resolution is reached.

woman outside of her car after an accident on her phone filing an insurance claim

Steps to Take When Your Nationwide Claim Is Denied

Review the Denial Letter: Carefully go through the denial letter received from Nationwide. It should outline the reason for denial. Understanding this reason is crucial to plan your next steps.

Gather Pertinent Documents: Collect all the documents relevant to your claim. These may include police reports, medical records, repair bills, photographs of the accident scene or damages, and any correspondence with Nationwide.

Consult a Lawyer: Reach out to a reputable law firm like Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. They have a team of experienced attorneys who can guide you through the appeal process.

File an Appeal: Under the guidance of your attorney, submit an appeal against the denial. Ensure that your appeal letter addresses the reasons provided by Nationwide for the denial and includes any additional documentation to support your claim.

Negotiate: If Nationwide agrees to revisit the claim, a negotiation process will follow. Your attorney will engage with the insurance company to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

Legal Action: If all else fails and the denial of your claim still stands, your attorney may recommend taking legal action against Nationwide. They will represent you in court and present your case in a compelling manner.

A claim denial is not the end of the line. With the right legal help, you can fight for your right to fair compensation.

Hiring a Lawyer: How Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. Can Help You

Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney, especially during a claim denial situation, can be a game-changer. Insurance companies are equipped with teams of legal experts and adjusters who know the ins and outs of insurance laws and policies; hence, it’s essential to have someone on your side who can effectively counter their tactics and stand up for your rights.

At Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C., our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to protecting your rights and ensuring you get the compensation you rightfully deserve. We understand the intricacies of insurance policies and the tactics insurance companies employ to deny or minimize claim payouts. We leverage this knowledge to challenge unfair claim denials and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

Our attorneys will review your case in detail, gather necessary documentation, assist you in filing an appeal against the denial, and represent you during negotiations. If necessary, we are prepared to take your case to court, presenting compelling evidence and arguments to fight for your rights.

You don’t have to navigate the complex world of insurance claims alone. The legal team at Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you are not only heard but also adequately compensated for your losses.

Key Points in Dealing with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company

Engaging with other insurance companies post-accident can often seem like a formidable task. Their primary objective is to protect their client and minimize the accident claim payout. Here are some essential points to bear in mind:

Do Not Admit Fault:

Never admit fault or liability at the accident scene or during any conversation with the other driver’s insurance company. This could negatively impact your claim. 

Limit Communication:

Keep your communication with the other driver’s insurance company to a minimum. Direct them to your attorney or insurance company for any detailed information. 

Do Not Accept the First Offer:

Initial settlement offers are often lower than what you may be entitled to. It’s advisable to negotiate and, if necessary, seek legal advice. 

Engage Legal Assistance:

If the insurance company denies your claim, take advantage of the expertise of your attorney. The legal team at Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C., for instance, has considerable experience in handling such scenarios and can guide you effectively.

Successfully dealing with the other driver’s insurance company often requires a strategic and well-informed approach. Having a seasoned attorney by your side can make a significant difference.

woman calling her insurance company to file a claim after an uninsured motorist accident, she is looking at the car rear ending the other

Passionate Advocacy: Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C. is Here for You

At Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata, & Siegel P.C., our mission extends beyond mere legal representation. We are passionate about helping those who find themselves in challenging circumstances, particularly when facing insurance claim denials. We believe that each individual deserves just compensation for their losses, and we fight relentlessly to ensure that justice is served. Our team of seasoned lawyers is equipped with the expertise and determination to navigate the complex landscape of insurance claims on your behalf. If you’ve had an insurance claim denied, don’t navigate this difficult journey alone. Contact us today, and let us stand by your side, advocating for your rights and working relentlessly to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.

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Car Accident Lawyer Questions

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Common Injuries

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Uninsured & Underinsured Motorists
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