How to Avoid Distractions While Driving

Vehicles contain many distractions that can inhibit our ability to drive safely. In addition to distracting devices, our own behaviors distract and endanger us, including eating, drinking, finding directions, managing children and pets in the car, and more. Learn...

Protect Your Rights after a Bike Accident

A bicyclist has much less protection than a motorist in an accident, which can make a bike accident with a car particularly traumatic. During this difficult time, it may be hard to think clearly, but it is important to take the proper steps following the accident to...

Sharing the Road with Cars

Those who bicycle frequently enjoy the benefits of fresh air, healthy exercise, and an eco-friendly commute. As with any good thing, however, there are also drawbacks. Most of the time, bicyclists need to share the road with cars, and dangers such as distracted...

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