Partners Joseph Cammarata & Allan M. Siegel Reach $4.8 Million Settlement on Behalf of Injured Motorcycle Rider

Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. is proud to announce that Partner Joseph Cammarata and Partner Allan M. Siegel have succeeded in securing a substantial $4.8 million settlement on behalf of motorcycle rider who was injured after colliding with a minivan. The settlement was reached through mediation.

The case centered on a then 24-year-old man who was catastrophically injured while riding his motorcycle in 2013. The collision occurred when our client collided with a trailer being towed by a minivan that pulled out from a stop sign in front of our client’s motorcycle. As a result of the collision, our client was thrown 72 feet onto a nearby driveway and suffered multiple serious injuries, including:

  • Left leg fracture
  • An injury to the artery and nerve in the left leg
  • Fracture and dislocation of the left shoulder
  • A compression fracture in the thoracic spine
  • Fracture of the right ankle
  • Ruptured thumb ligament
  • Meniscus tear and cartilage damage to right knee

These injuries resulted in our client having to undergo several surgeries. They will also require more surgeries as our client ages and will require him to have medical care for the rest of his life. Because these damages were so severe, Partners Cammarata and Siegel were committed to his fight for justice – a fight which would require them to disprove the insurance company’s allegations that our client had been traveling too fast on his motorcycle, and therefore caused the crash.

In Maryland, personal injury victims are barred from receiving compensation for their damages if they caused or contributed to an accident. This meant that if our team was unable to break down the insurance company’s case completely, he would not receive any compensation.

By working closely with an accident reconstruction expert, Partners Cammarata and Siegel were able to illustrate that it was the minivan driver’s inattention which caused the crash – not the motorcyclist’s speed. Thanks to their efforts, the case was eventually settled for $4.8 million, the maximum amount of insurance available.

Our firm is pleased that our client will now have the resources needed to cover his medical expenses and future medical care and help him live a more comfortable life. As personal injury lawyers, we are passionate about securing these types of results, and we strive to recover the justice and fair compensation our clients deserve in every case we handle. You can read more about the case here.

Contact Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. by phone at
(202) 659-8600 to get started with your personal injury claim.

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